Farshore and Sanrio are thrilled to announce two new books in their ground-breaking series Mr. Men Little Miss Discover You.
The series focuses on exploring children’s emotions, wellbeing and mental health.
With 1 in 18 pre-schoolers affected by mental health problems (NHS Digital ‘Mental Health of Children and Young People in England, 2017) the crisis in children’s mental health has only been exacerbated by the pandemic. The Mr. Men and Little Miss are the perfect characters to help children understand more about their own emotions and how to manage them. Complete with engaging questions to encourage conversations between adults and children on different topics and helpful tips from everyone’s favourite Mr. Men Little Miss characters, the Mr. Men Little Miss Discover You series is the essential tool for parents and children to explore what it means to be happy, sad and everything in between.
In the first four books, Mr. Men Little Miss Discover You: Try Again, Be Kind, Worries and All Different families learnt about resilience from Little Miss Brave and Mr. Bump; the power of kindness from Mr. Happy and Mr. Mean; how to ease worries big or small with the help of Mr. Calm and Little Miss Sunshine; and how to appreciate and celebrate difference – whether that be Little Miss Tiny accepting her height or Mr. Tickle loving his long arms.

Mr. Men Little Miss Discover You: Find calm and Feeling Sad launched on January 19th as two separate stories in the empowering new series. In these uplifting and engaging stories, Mr. Calm will teach Little Miss Busy how to find calm by living in the moment, and Little Miss Curious will learn about recognising and coping with sadness while helping Mr. Jelly.

Mr. Men Little Miss Discover You published six titles in paperback, each for £4.99, age 3+. Further stories will publish in 2023 and 2024. Visit the Discover You page to find out more!